Shaniqua A.
Shaniqua A.
I attended the Fortis Institute in Port St. Lucie, Florida and my major was medical assisting.
Before attending Fortis I was honestly just trying to find something to do with my life. I had little dead-end jobs here and there.
What I do now is I am a medical assistant. I absolutely love interacting with people. My favorite part of the job would be the hands-on meaning the phlebotomy, the injections, the EKG’s everything, I love that.
If you are interested in the medical field go for it, it’s very rewarding and the benefits … not just benefits from insurance or anything … but the benefits of helping people and being there for people and seeing that you are a part of their healing process…you know what I’m saying … because it’s like they are getting treated and you are a part of that. I would tell them go for it, don’t delay, go right now.
Additional Testimonials in Nursing

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis College in Columbus

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis Institute in Pensacola

Fortis College in Indianapolis

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis Institute in Pensacola
Fortis Institute - Towson

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Wayne

Fortis College in Mobile

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis College in Cuyahoga Falls

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute - Towson