Teshieka C.
Teshieka C.
I am a second generation nurse, so initially I was working in politics and government prior to starting nursing school.
What really made me make the change was I actually started working in a hospital system in Jacksonville, Florida which is where I was living after I finished undergraduate school and I really fell in love with patients.
So in that time, I decided I was going to go to nursing school, so came back home and made the decision to come to nursing school.
I chose Fortis for a number of reasons to get my Associates Degree. The first reason was that it was local.
In addition to that there were staff members here that really cared when I came to orientation. There were people here who made me feel like I want to be invested in your education and I want to see you grow and that for me pushed me to say that’s the place I need to be.
Additional Testimonials in Nursing

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis College in Columbus

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis Institute in Pensacola

Fortis College in Indianapolis

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis Institute in Pensacola
Fortis Institute - Towson

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Wayne

Fortis College in Mobile

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis Institute in Port St. Lucie

Fortis College in Cuyahoga Falls

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute - Towson