Walnise F.
Walnise F.
When I came here I told them that I have a job which I was working in the morning and then I also had a daughter and they told me that they have classes at night and they were willing to work with my schedule whichever I preferred to do, whether night or morning they were willing to help and that was really like good for me.
The career service staff - they are incredible. They go above and beyond to make sure that you get hired. Like they help you with your resume, you know, they help you - they do practice like if you have an interview what they are going to ask you, how to answer the question.
The most influential person in my life is my daughter because every time I look at her it makes me want to go forward, not to give up because I want a better life for her, a better future.
Additional Testimonials in Nursing

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis College in Columbus

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Columbia

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis Institute in Pensacola

Fortis College in Indianapolis

Fortis College in Norfolk

Fortis College in Centerville

Fortis College in Cutler Bay

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis Institute in Pensacola
Fortis Institute - Towson

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute in Wayne

Fortis College in Mobile

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis Institute in Nashville

Fortis College in Salt Lake City

Fortis College in Orange Park

Fortis College in Baton Rouge

Fortis Institute in Port St. Lucie

Fortis College in Cuyahoga Falls

Fortis Institute in Cookeville

Fortis Institute - Towson